Chương trình học Tiếng Anh tháng 2/2017 khối lớp Bud

Hoa Tra My

English for kids 3 years old. Teacher – Olha





Colouring pages 1

Songs: “What Do You See? Song | Vehicles and Transport”,

Transportation names and sounds - kids learning”.

What do you see?

I see a bus (car..)


Colouring pages 2



Jobs: teacher, student, doctor

Songs: “Jobs Vocabulary, Sentences Lesson, English for Kids”,“Learn Jobs Vocabulary - Talking Flashcards”


What does she/he do?

She/he is a doctor (cook..)


What do you do?

I am a student (teacher..)



farmer, cook



policeman, singer, pilot



nurse, fireman



worker, dancer



driver, tailor



postman, seller



dentist, babysitter